Today I'm going to dive into another section of The Hope Prophecy.
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
What are your relationships that surround you? I've talked about this several times in my posts. Because it's important. The quality of your relationships is how much you will flourish. Surrounding yourself with love and support will have you and your health reaching to new levels. You also need to be that caliber of person for others in return. There are measures to be considered in being that.
Relationship is defined as your partner, your friends, your coworkers, your family... Are you in right relation? This can cut deep for those in marriages and partnerships that are not working while we are in quarantine. It's really time to let go of ego and come together and re-center around love. And if you cannot, it's time to get honest with where you're at and how you're going to change what isn't working. We must let go of what is not working. In quarantine you are surrounded by what is and isn't working and it will destroy you to hold onto toxicity.
Are you in right relation? Are there affairs going on outside of the home that you are now quarantined from? There are relations to be mended. I'm not making right and wrong here with trying to fill your emotional reservoir. Yet, filling that emotional reservoir needs to be done with honesty and integrity when your creating "right relation" with your heart. Your heart cannot hold inauthenticities between you and who you are loving and connecting with. They are heavy and create distance in your relationships. Give up having to be right and let go of ego, give into vulnerability.
Where is your water? Your water is your nourishment for your mind, body and soul. In order to give to anyone, you must have a water source. Meaning, what are you putting into your self? Are you practicing self care? Are you being true to your needs? If you are not, this leads back to my opening paragraph where I said you have to contribute to the relationships around you as they do you. If you are not being true to yourself, you are giving more of yourself than you have to give. That will create misery and you will be handing out inauthenticities all around you. Nurture yourself, be good to yourself and find your water.
Have a beautiful day,
