Happy New Year! It's that time where we all set weight loss goals and maybe give up by the end of the week. How many of us lament our failures for the rest of the year until a new years fresh start? Brutal. Sitting down with your journal is a nice way to have a conversation about the year's successes and failures while not docking yourself credit for your triumphs. Those are what empower you to create beyond your current limitations. We all have them. We're all growing. One chapter at a time.
Here's a series of New Years Prompts below in a free download. Give yourself an hour alone. Set a 5 minute timer and go through these 1 by 1. No need to read these ahead of time or overthink before you begin. Sit down for some well deserved you time and go.
Here's to being clear about last year, and setting up a powerful start to the year ahead. Be your own creator and manifestor of your own magic.
With love and gratitude,